Is your web copy working for you, or could it do a better job? Be honest. Are you getting the traffic conversion rate you were looking for or is it lacking? These tips on writing effective web copy could turn things around for you, so make sure you read them all.
One of the most common things you’ll find if you start looking at websites, is that they come in all different sizes, designs, shapes, colors, and fonts. So what does that say? Well, it says that there isn’t one way that works. However, if you look a little closer, you will see that there is some common elements on those that are successful. So let’s have a look.
1. A welcoming approach
You want your visitors to feel welcome when they land on your home page. Be up front – say “Welcome to ….”
2. Establish credibility
Your page(s) need to establish that you are an excellent resource for the products/services that you offer. Tell them what it is you do and what you offer. “Your source for…”
3. Help your visitor get orientated
Tell your visitor about your site, what they can find where, and always remember to answer the #1 question going through their head, “What’s in it for me?”
4. Easy navigation
Nothing will have a visitor hitting the back button faster than a navigation system that is hard to follow or understand. So make sure when you are creating your website to keep it easy.
5. Contact information
It is important for your contact information to be readily available. If you don’t share your contact information there are legal ramifications, but it is also difficult for visitors to build any trust if they don’t know who you are or how to contact you.
6. Easy process for contact
Make it easy for the visitor to email you, or access live help. Yes, they can phone, but many people prefer email.
7. Privacy statement
Make sure that your visitors know what your privacy statement is. You can use a standardized one if there is nothing complicated about what you do. There are also programs available online that for a fee will help you create your privacy statement. People want to know that you are not selling their information and so you need to tell them what your policies are.
8. Copyright
Too often this is completely forgotten. But to protect yourself it should really be on your home page. "Copyright (c) [insert year] [Insert Name of Your Business]. All Rights Reserved."
There you have it. If you are creating web copy for a client make sure that you utilize these simple tips to create copy that’s more appealing and engaging.
About me and Success is
Want to read more about copywriting? Writing sales copy or building a simple opt-in or sales page? Or perhaps you have started your business selling products and services and are interested in how branding can help you sell more and even earn more money? Or perhaps you're just trying to get your blog off the ground?
In '98 I started my marketing and copywriting journey. First on actual paper (yes, really!) and then I gradually moved to online. I have built and worked for multiple online businesses and launched many brands in several markets and niches. Examples are DIY, fashion accessories, eyewear, sports supplements, and the meditation and spirituality niche. So it's safe to call me an all-round online marketer!
If you want your online business to work for you instead of the other way around. And if you are sick and tired of all the online marketing gurus trying to push their expensive webinars and expensive tools, you can give me a chance! I am here to support and share my experience and knowledge. I work on this site whenever I have time, so when you're missing a certain topic or get stuck, please reach out through the contact form.
To your success!

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